Legislative Update

Update on our legislative priorities:

Prudent Parent (ESSB 6479) has been approved unanimously by the House Early Learning & Human Services Committee and is now in the House Rules Committee, which will decide whether or not it moves to the House floor for a vote. Therefore, you are encouraged to call members of the House Rules Committee and ask them to "pull" ESSB 6479 to the floor for a vote.

Extended Foster Care:The House budget proposal includes funding to add youth working 80+ hours per month to Extended Foster Care! The budget includes a total of $106k ($83k state funds, $23k federal funds). But much work remains! Follow the link to find more information on EFC and find out how you can help: http://mockingbirdsociety.org/index.php/advocacy-updates/484-exciting-news-for-extended-foster-care.

Legal Representation (SB 6126) has received funding in the Senate Budget proposal, but not the House. The bill was just approved unanimously in the House Judiciary Committee and is on its way to the House Appropriations Committee.

Youth Opportunities Act (HB 1651) is at a critical point. If Senator O'Ban does not schedule it for a vote in the Human Services & Corrections Committee today (February 27th) the bill will fail! Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call his office at 360-786-7654 and ask him to move HB 1651 forward!