our voices

The Blog

The 2014 Mockingbird Luncheon

Thanks to almost 550 of our strongest supporters, our 8th Annual Benefit Luncheon was one of our best ever! Thanks to the our guests and supporters everywhere we shifting perceptions that stand in the way of every child having a safe, stable home and a loving family. I am so thankful to everyone for this support.

Our youth speakers, including Emcee Violet Banks and Keynote Speaker Roel Williams were absolutely remarkable! They both were so powerful, authentic and demonstrated poise and leadership beyond their years. Their dedication and resiliency is a testament to the commitment of our young advocates and I could not be more proud of what they have achieved.

The Seattle Times has an outstanding editorial about our luncheon and Roel here.

I am so appreciative of the hundreds of supporters who were able to join us in person, but I also know there are many more who joined us in spirit. For those of you who could not join us, I want to show you a new video that looks into the profound and positive impact of the Mockingbird Family Model:


Again, my deepest appreciation to all who join us in the effort to build a world-class foster care system and end youth homelessness.

Warm regards,
