MYN Digital Stories: Spokane


When the world says give up, Hope whispers try it one more time

By Jessica Cook, Spokane Chapter Member

My grandma always told me the world is full of people who want you to fail, and to give up at anytime. Then there are those who push you to keep moving forward, and to never just give up. For the last seven years all I have heard is "Jessica you can't do that, or you will never make it through life". Those words would eat at me every day, and at times I would believe those words, then I can hear my grandma saying "when the world says give up, hope whispers try it one more time." Those words wake me from hell. I push forward and I work hard, sure at times I don't always succeed, but hey that's life. You only fail when you stop trying and just give into everyone around you.

I am living my life to the fullest and will climb all the hills that lay ahead of me, and I will push myself everyday to be and do the best I can. I am who I am, I'm not perfect I am a work in progress and that's okay with me. This is a life worth fighting for and I'm not giving up. "When the world says give up, Hope whispers try it one more time."