Congressman Reichert Talks Foster Care Reform


Mockingbird Joined Treehouse to share our work with the Congressman. By Deonate Cruz

On November 5, 2013, The Mockingbird Society and Treehouse had the opportunity to demonstrate our partnership during a meeting we both shared with Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08). It is no secret that many foster youth struggle with education, social skills, and life skills more than their 

Once they were done they gave the floor to The Mockingbird Society, who then went on to speak on the issues that occur in out of home care and everyday life for foster youth, homeless youth, and those who end up in kinship care situations. Then we went to speak on the positive benefits of Extended Foster Care: the program that allows youth to stay within their foster home after age 18 until age 21 if they are pursuing their education or have barriers to employment. We also discussed the Mockingbird Family Model: an innovative way to deliver foster care that centers around the concept of extended family and support within communities for youth and families involved in the foster care system. Congressman Reichert ended the meeting by stating that he wants to keep in touch with both organizations and is looking forward to doing more work with us. The Mockingbird Society appreciates our partnership with Treehouse, and the support that Congressman Reichert gives and we look forward to working more closely with him in the future as well.counterparts who live at home with their parents. But sometimes it helps just to sit down and have that honest conversation. Treehouse gave an amazing presentation to Congressman Reichert about education, as well as some new exciting ways that they help foster youth achieve a higher level of academic success, as well as previous success stories of real youth who have benefited from their programs.

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Congressman Reichert and Deonate Cruz