What Love?

Digital Stories: What Love?

What Love

Written by Olympia chapter member, Elizabeth Wilsonsage

They tell me love is beautiful,
A sweet and wondrous thing,
People say it circles the world with brilliance,
I tell you they are liars!
Blatantly distorting the truths the world has taught us,
What love is there?
In the pothead's daughter torn from her childhood,
Discarded by unwilling relatives,
Brought up by strangers?
Taught to distrust by a home broken since birth,

What love,
In a hero of war,
Drunken and unwashed,
Begging on a corner for change,
Ridiculed by the very people he risked his life to keep safe,
Is this so called beauty worth the pain these people suffer?
Worth ignoring the sacrifice people make daily?
If there is a man, a woman, among you here who believe this let them speak,
Let him, dare he contradict what the world dictates,
For the love of god, let the poor bastard speak!

What love, I ask you,
Is there, in a mother and babe abandoned by a deadbeat dad,
Too cowardly to raise the child he so carelessly brought into this cruel world!
Never so much as seeing his creating once!
You people stand by as others hurt,
Let these crimes against humanity,
If you dare call it that,
Continue, and you have the gall to speak to me of love!
You tell me that on this god-forsaken earth there is love!
Then show it!
Sing it from the mountains if you must,
But on no account speak of love you are too ignorant to show.