Introducing Ashley Barnes

Introducing Ashley Barnes - Mockingbird’s New YAEH Engagement Specialist

By Mykell Dampier-Daniels


Let's give a warm welcome to Ashley Barnes, the Mockingbird Society's new Engagement Specialist for the Youth Advocates Ending Homelessness (YAEH) program. Originally from Oceanside, California, the History and Middle East Studies major has made a major impact on the lives of youth in other states and she definitely is not new to advocacy or standing up for what is right. She originally wanted to work for the government, but now she is advocating for change through The Mockingbird Society along with YAEH participants.

Before moving to Seattle just a year ago, Ashley had a really good experience working with the United Nations Association. While in that position, she taught high school students a form of advocacy through a program called Model UN. Model UN is a role-playing experience of the United Nations where Ashley helped youth advocate and find resolutions for their specific topic of their country's needs. She also taught them how to refine their ideas and be effective at speaking and advocating for their solutions. So who better for an engagement specialist position, especially for ending youth homelessness!

Ashley says she was drawn to The Mockingbird Society because it is youth-driven and empowering to the youth voice, and she is inspired by the behind-the-scenes growth that happens with youth. Ashley set herself aside from other candidates because she wants to encourage people to envision what the world could look like and empower them to articulate their ideas about what they believe in. Ashley has brought all of these attributes to the Mockingbird Society and is looking forward to starting an advocacy cycle for the YEAH program so the voices of homeless youth can be heard!